Are you gearing up for a new career in the new year?  We understand that interviewing for a job can be a nerve-wracking process, so to increase your chances of nailing the interview, our recruiting team have provided tips and best practices.  We hope they will help to calm your nerves, boost your confidence and land the job you want!

Tip #1:  Do your research before the interview

There are 3 key areas to research before your interview – the job you have applied for, our company and our industry.   In order to feel confident and prepared, it’s important you take the time to do some in-depth research in advance of your interview.

Tip #2:  Practice answering the most common interview questions

Many are familiar with the common questions of tell me about yourself, why are you interested in this position, what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, why do you want to leave your current job. Our recruiters often ask behavior-based questions to understand how you have performed in the past.  For example,  “What is a challenge you had to overcome?” or “Tell me about a specific customer service situation.”

Which leads into Tip #3:  Be prepared to talk specifics in the interview

It’s important to talk specifics about how your experience, skills and traits relate to the job you are interviewing for.  Think about specific situations and behaviors from your previous jobs and be able to provide examples.

Tip #4:  Review the job posting

By being familiar with the job posting you will have a clear understanding of what we are looking for in a candidate, it will also help you to prepare specific questions or talking points that will demonstrate your interest and qualifications for the role.

Tip #5: Be prepared with questions to ask the interviewer

At the end of most interviews, the interviewer may ask if you have any questions. It is always a good idea to have questions prepared as it reflects your interest in the position and company.  Questions you may want to ask may include what do they enjoy most about working for the company, how would they describe the company culture or work environment, what is the biggest challenge facing the department or team?

Final Tips:

Based on the position you are applying for ensure that you dress appropriately and bring copies of your resume. Always arrive 10 to 15 minutes early.  Turn off your cell phone.  Last but not least, SMILE.

Wishing you success on your career journey!